about Me
“Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one”
Stella Adler
This is the philosophy of artist Sarah Louise (Groarke). From flamenco dancers to animals to portraits, Sarah has captured movement, majesty and emotion – paintings which speak to the soul.
Her love affair with art began at primary school where she was allowed to paint in place of some lessons and she continued to enjoy art at secondary school where she did her ‘O’ level. But thereafter she followed the family’s expected academic path although she managed to sneak in some university units on the History of Art alongside her English degree studies.
Sarah didn’t pick up a paintbrush for many years with life and raising a family the priority, but on moving to the Marina Alta area from Mallorca in 2021 she was inspired by the wonderful scenery and light of the area to start again under the guidance of an art teacher. She jumped into the use of oils with optimistic enthusiasm and found her ‘happy place’ although she also uses acrylics, charcoal, oil pastel and ink as well.